Hjem » Sorbet Cardigan

Sorbet Cardigan

Time flies! Its already been a year since this beauty came of the needles. About time it comes up on the blog, right? To be honest, I thought this cardigan would take forever to make. I was so wrong!

The original yarn from the pattern is Tilia by Filcolana, but I chose to use DSA dreamline air. The cardigan is so lovely to wear, and I don’t regret the yarn I chose! I was a real knitting rookie when I startet to knit this one, and I didn’t really get the concept of gauge back then. So the size ended up being a small, rather than a medium. So I recommend to measure the gauge every now and then. I find the fit to be good, but its very wide around the neck. If I’m going to knit another in the future, I will definitely try to adjust the neck part.

sorbet cardigan

Its incredibly motivating to knit stripes! “I’ll just knit to the next stripe…” and BAM, the time is way passed bedtime…

sorbet cardigan in action

You can find the pattern on Mille Fryd Knitwear’s website. I’ve planned to knit a unicolored sorbet blouse in the future. I think it will be a perfect addition to the wardrobe.


  1. Deborah Burdzy
    17. May 2024 / 21:22

    I SO want to get this pattern after seeing this — but it is no longer available. Boo!!! You did such a beautiful job. I love it.

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