Hjem » How to: body scrub with ingrediens you have at home.

How to: body scrub with ingrediens you have at home.

There are countless ways to make homemade scrubs! You can use salt, sugar and even coffee as a base. To make the skin soft, add oil. I prefer coconut oil or olive oil. Lemon juice and essential oils are wonderful to use to get a fresh or delicious scent. Making your own scrub requires little time and is a lot cheaper than buying ready-made in store. I actually think the homemade ones are often better as well.

homemade body scrub with ingredients you already have at home

For the scrub in the picture, I used 1 dl (0,4 cup) of epsom salt, two tablespoons of olive oil and the juice of half a lemon. Thats it! You don’t have rough salt at home? No problem, use sugar instead!

Be aware that you should be extra careful in the sun and use a high SPF (like you should all the time..) when using citrus on the skin. Therefore, I rarely make this type of scrub in the summer. My go-to scrub is of the same recipe as the one above, but with essential oils of lavender or eucalyptus instead of lemon juice.

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